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Rofilu  |  30. 08. 2005 00:00

čau všichni pařani,mám prozbu:Poraďte mě jak si mužu zahrát FIFU 04 on-line!Dik moc...

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Shaman  |  28. 08. 2005 09:47

Twe jakej lovec a knzezka, snad hunter a priest...

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MILK  |  24. 08. 2005 11:35

...to je neuveritelne so se deje na tom threadu jak matka nacapala syna.... ukazalo se ze je to hodne v pohode zenska ...thred uz ma 1.200.000 navstev a pres 60 stran prispevku... uz se nabizi i tricka s touhle tematikou http://www.cafepress.com/vgimp.28911173

jenom tak pro obrazek tohle pise Feidra (matka):
We really appreciate the thought, don't get me wrong. It's amazing the support we have gotten!

And I hate posting this because it makes me sound like I walked straight out of a Disney movie, and that's SO not me, trust me.

Please don't send us any game money. (stop crying, Brion!) He's been busted for doing something wrong, and while he's gotten punished in spades, there is also a certain amount of reward that comes with sudden popularity.

I don't want him thinking doing bad things results in rewards.

We'll earn our mounts like everyone else.

(Stop crying, Brion).

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