Tvůrci týmovky Gotham Knights pracují ještě na dalším neoznámeném projektu

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14. 12. 2023 05:17

I really appreciate how hard you worked to share what you know. This really is a great thing to share

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26. 11. 2021 09:34

nks for sharing the article, and more importantly, your personal experience mindfully using our emotions as data about our inner st ate and knowing when it’s better to de-escalate by ta king a time out are great tools. Appreciate you reading and sharing your story since I can certainly relate and I think others can to

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04. 05. 2023 05:12

Begin running and jumping as much as you can Your goal here is to get as far as possible via the unusual route without falling below into deep space.

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25. 07. 2023 09:08

Myslíte, že vaše hra k tomuto tématu patří?

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22. 11. 2021 16:07

Takze se u titulu, ktery miri vyhradne na hardcore fanousky, naprosto vykaslou na byt jen elementarni QA a pak je prosi, aby se zdrzeli kritiky vyvojaru? :o))))))))

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22. 11. 2021 18:09

Pardon, vyse uvedene patri pod clanek o zpackanem remasteru GTA. Samozrejme ne sem.

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kiricowell  |  06. 12. 2023 05:10

Wow, what a wonderful post. This was too much information for me

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